Managing Fertility Naturally During
Breastfeeding is the natural next step after nurturing a baby
within the womb and giving birth. It offers benefits to both the
mother and her child.
Benefits to baby
Breast milk:
- is readily available
- comes at the correct temperature
- protects against allergies/diseases
- is nutritionally correct
- is hygienic
Breastfeeding promotes bonding.
Benefits to mother
- is convenient
- is cost-free
- reduces incidence of premenopausal breast cancer
- helps uterus return to normal size
- maintains temporary infertility
- promotes bonding.
The Billings Ovulation Method of Natural Family Planning is
truly compatible with breastfeeding.
It provides an extremely effective way of birth regulation.
Scientific studies indicate that with proper instruction and
motivation, this method in actual practice is 99% effective,
without the negatives of contraceptive methods.
Contraceptive medication passes to the baby through breast milk.
The Billings Ovulation Method does not interfere with
breastfeeding, is free from drugs and devices and alerts a
couple to their returning fertility after childbirth.
Returning fertility
Milk production is stimulated when the baby sucks on the
breast. If there is no sucking, the milk will dry up. During
breastfeeding the pituitary gland produces two hormones:
- Prolactin - for milk production
- Oxytocin - for the "let down" of milk.
Prolactin also has the effect of suppressing ovulation for a
This time of infertility is variable and depends on several
factors. Efficient sucking is all important. Great care should
be taken to establish breastfeeding as soon as possible. The
baby is best fed on demand. Night feeding is normal for some
time and is helpful in preserving a good supply of milk.
Returning fertility may result from:
- introduction of other fluids
- introduction of educational diet
- stopping night feeds
- illness of mother or baby
- partial breastfeeding
- stress and fatigue
- sucking difficulties
- weaning
- unknown reasons
Even with knowledge of breastfeeding, it must be
remembered, every woman is still an individual and will return
to fertility in her own time.
The Billings Ovulation Method
The Billings Ovulation Method of natural family
planning allows the mother to recognise her
individual return to fertility accurately.
When a woman learns the Billings Ovulation Method, she is
taught to recognise and understand her signs of fertility and
infertility. She does this by observing the presence or absence
of mucus at the vulva. This mucus, produced at the cervix, is
essential for fertility. Sperm cells depend on this mucus for
their survival and their ability to reach and fertilise the egg.
When a woman is breastfeeding she remains infertile for a
variable time. During this time she experiences, at the vulva,
either a continuing sensation of dryness, or an unchanging
discharge. The appearance of blood, or any change in the mucus
or sensation alerts her to the possibility of her returning
A Billings Ovulation Method teacher will assist the couple to
accurately interpret these signs. The
couple can then make informed choices confidently about a
further pregnancy.
When fertility returns, a mother may continue to breastfeed
while using the totally natural Billings
Ovulation Method.
- Breastfeeding is natural and best for mother and baby.
- Billings Ovulation Method has no harmful side effects.
- Breastfeeding and the Billings Ovulation Method are
entirely compatible.
- Accredited Billings Ovulation Method Teachers help
individual couples manage their fertility naturally.
- Infertility is easy to recognise whilst breastfeeding.
- Returning fertility is easily identified.
- The Billings Ovulation Method is a couple method, as is
- The whole family benefits.
The Natural Family Planning Association -
Ontario is affiliated with the World Organization Ovulation
Method Billings (WOOMB) Canada and WOOMB International.